Thanks to the Estes Park Archives for having posted these on line.
From the Mountaineer (local newspaper of Estes Park)
23 July 1908 Mountaineer – E.J. Macdonald [sic, suggest J.E. Macdonald], who recently purchased the Husted building, known as the government building, is going to have the roof painted some other color. The vivid blue roof, which has been an eyesore for so many months, is to be replaced by a dark green. Mr. Macdonald will receive the thanks of many Estes Park people for the change.
13 August 1908 Mountaineer – H.N. Wheeler of the forest service has been in Estes Park since Saturday, on a tour of inspection. Mr. Wheeler had his office here for several months, and last June moved it to Fort Collins, where it is still located. [His Estes Park office is now the home of Macdonald Book Store. These lots were originally purchased by Shep Husted in 1905 or 1906 at the latest, so the transfer to the forest service occurred sometime after this, and prior to 1908, when J.E. Macdonald purchased the lots.]
From Estes Park Trail (local newspaper of Estes Park)
29 June 1912 – Headline: A Trip to Hallett’s [now Rowe] Glacier. In speaking of Hallett’s Glacier one day, Shep N. Husted, the popular and well-known guide for the Stanley Hotel, related the following incidence which occurred on one of his annual trips to that point of interest: “In the summer of 1911, I guided a party consisting of three gentlemen – Rev. R.J. Hunter, John Ducey, and another gentleman whose name at the present moment has slipped my memory, to Hallett’s Glacier. The preceding mild winter had left the glacier in an open and interesting condition. It was a good 20 minutes’ walk around the lake at its base, and an hour’s walk around the crest of ice and snow. Towards the summit, the trial led up a very steep incline, at an angle of at least 45 degrees, and on reaching the top, we looked down upon a most magnificent view of North Park and the surrounding country. From this point, it was the general custom to slide roll, slip, or tumble down its icy and snowy slope for a distance of several hundred feet to its base. On this occasion, however, we took a short cut across the ice fields, and I casually remarked that ‘a slip at this point would possibly mean death, as one would in all probability, after a slide of several hundred feet, land in the large crevasse below.’ These words were hardly cold on my lips when the very thing happened, or at least a part of it. the heels of the gentleman whose name I have forgotten flew out from under him, and with a frantic shriek for help he started to slide, clutching and grasping at the ice and snow as he went, and imploring us madly to save him. Mr. Ducey, preparing to go to his rescue, became involved in the same predicament, and slid down the icy slope for some distance. Both at last succeeded in getting a foothold, and held on frantically with their hands dug deep in the icy snow. The unknown gentleman offered me all his earthly possessions (except his wife and child) if I would save him, and if I were only in possession of the thousands of dollars which he apparently unknowingly gave away, I would be ‘living on easy street’ now. I hurried to their rescue, but the unknown gentleman was in such a state of terror that he refused absolutely to let go his hold on the snow (though his hands were nearly frozen) and trust himself to me. It took me at least afull half hour to get them both to a place of safety. I don not believe anyone could offer inducement enough to get them to make a second trip to Hallett’s Glacier.”
20 July 1912 – Headline and byline: Northern Colorado Transcontinental Route by Shep N. Husted. Apropos of the new transcontinental route through northern Colorado and Estes Park, which is now being so much discussed, I would like to say a few words in regard to its advantages and attractions. The most feasible, practicable, scenic, and attractive road for automobilists for the transcontinental route is through Estes Park. Larimer County has the finest mountain roads in this state. The Big Thompson Canyon road to Estes Park, thence to Horseshoe Park, cannot be surpassed for scenery and grade. The new road to connect with the north fork of the Grand River will be fourteen (14) miles in length. The approximate cost would be twelve thousand dollars ($12,000) and the grade 5-1/2%. After this new proposed road is built, it will give the tourist free access to the most beautiful scenery in Colorado, thousands of varieties of wild flowers, and the cool shade of the lodgepole pine and the great Englemann trees. After going through Middle Park to Kremmling, then taking the new road through the Gore Canyon to Dotsero, connecting with the Grenwood Springs and Grand Junction road will be one beautiful way to Salt Lake City, Utah – these roads being all completed with the exception of the Estes Park cutoff of 14 miles. But a still more beautiful and scenic road is the route to Steamboat Springs, via this cutoff and through Brown’s Park west of Steamboat, thus shortening the distance to Salt Lake City, Utah, by 175 miles. This route will be the shortest one through the state, and also the coolest and most beautiful. Another advantage will be its easy connection with the transcontinental road through Wyoming, via either Walden or Steamboat Springs. Several of the hundreds of miles of the scorching roads through the plains between Denver and Salt Lake City, Utah, will thus be eliminated, giving Denver the advantage of hundreds of automobile tourists who otherwise would not pass through that city at all. The snow fields and glaciers close at hand, along this Estes Park cutoff, with the snow flowers blooming at their edges, are certainly worth seeing by the eastern tourists and by our Colorado tourists as well. Also, the great extinct volcanoes with their crates and rare geodes found there, and the miles of lava beds are beauties of grandeur which few, even of the natives of our own state, haveseen, examined, and admired. The study of the thousands of varieties of wildflowers which are to be found along this route in greater abundance than in any other section of the state will prove a wonderful attraction to thousands. I refer you to Rydberg’s “Flora” of Colorado for confirmation of my statement in regard to the great varieties and abundance of the wildflowers. And let me mention another wonderful attraction. The volcanic craters where the water is so salty it has made natural salt licks, are the homes for hundreds of mountain sheep which can be seen feeding on the forage crop on the rims of the craters. Having had the protection of our game laws for so long, these sheep have increased in numbers, and are comparatively tame. They can be seen in large numbers by the tourists. One place on Specimen Mountain, where there are so many sheep, is known as Ram’s Pasture. This route could be completed in a few months on account of the small amount of rock work to be done. The cutting of the timber and clearing of the right of way will be the most work, but the road, after the timber is removed, is practically made. The soil is the finest for road building, being composed of dolomite lime rock and hard lava for miles. There is no place in the state that can be compared with this route, so I would especially request that each member of automobile clubs get started at once and help assist Larimer County and Grand County to complete this connecting link of 14 miles. We cannot have too many good roads in the state. But this is one that will be the most attractive and help northern Colorado and Denver more than any other route.
25 July 1914 – Headline: The Rocky Mountain National Park. The following letter, written by Mr. Shep Husted to President Taft in February 1912, is published with the consent of the writer, not only because its statements bearing on the [proposed] Rocky Mountain National Park are as pertinent now as when written, but because of the fullness and accuracy of its presentation of the beauties of the Estes Park region, concerning which no one is better qualified to speak than Mr. Husted: Estes Park, Colorado, 20 February 1912. Hon. William H. Taft, President United States, Washington, D.C. My Dear Sir:– Having seen a number of articles, both for and against creating a national park in this locality, I have long desired to write you a few facts regarding it. I am a native of the Buckeye State, the same as yourself, and my people, who still reside there, are acquainted with you, having met you some years ago. I, myself, came to Colorado whena boy, and have lived here for 25 years. My vocation, that of guiding for sightseers, scientific men studying moraines, extinct volcanoes, glaciers, etc., in fact, all kinds of guiding except that of hunting game, has taken me to every part of this state, as well as Wyoming, so I feel that I am well qualified to express an opinion in regard to not only the beauties, but the advantages as well, of this proposed national park. And this opinion is not only mine, but the opinion of a number of noted and scientific men for whom I have guided, among them Professor Barth of St. Louis, Missouri, Professor Sheppard of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Professor Baker of Ames, Iowa, Professor Orton, who was state geologist from the state of Ohio, and who has made several trips here for the purpose of study, and Professor Kellogg, cousin of the deceased Professor Englemann, one of our most noted scientists and botanists, for whom the Engelmann tree is named. Professor Kellogg came here to make a special study of this tree which was named for his cousin. The largest portion of this proposed national park area is already included in the Colorado National Forest and Arapahoe National Forest, and we all know, that for some reason or other, the forest service objects to having this national park created, and thus taking out a small portion of their reserve. But there would be only about 20,000,000 feet B.M. of matured timber, approximately value to the government $40,000, in this small proposed area, which is decidedly a small amount when weighed against the damage which would be done were this timber allowed to be cut. For instance, on this side of the Continental Divide, we have the headwaters of the North Platte, Big Laramie, Cache la Poudre, Big Thompson, Fall, and St. Vrain Rivers, with their tributaries, and all these rivers head within a few miles of each other, right on the Continental Divide, and in this proposed area. This timber is all situated along the headwaters of these streams, and, if allowed to be cut, would do almost inestimable damage to the agricultural districts in this part of Colorado. The timber holds and stores the winter snow, and regulates the flow of the streams which is depended on so much by the ranchers for their regular supply of water for irrigation. In my estimation, it is very poor policy to cut any timber on the eastern slope of the Continental Divide in Colorado, and more especially in this part of the state, just on account of the many irrigation projects which are doing so much good for the west. So much for the timber question, and now I want to say a word for the flowers. We have thousands of varieties here, scattered all along the streams and mountains, growing even at an altitude of 14,000 feet, but these have practically all been destroyed in our “front yards” by overgrazing, and having the forage crop eaten down too closely, so we are anxious to save those remaining in our “back yards” by having a national park created, and thus being assured of better regulations in regard to the protection of the forage crop, which is the life of the flowers. In regard to the beauties of the area, too much cannot be said. There is absolutely nothing in the Rocky Mountains that can compare with it. I have been out with numberless people who have been to all points of interest in the Alps, and all agree that there is nothing there to compare with this in point of grandeur, wildness, and beauty. We have four glaciers in this area, numerous lateral and terminal moraines, 15 different species of trees, grand waterfalls, picturesque rock formations of all kinds, and, what is still more rare, three extinct volcanoes. One of these is claimed by scientists and geologists to be comparatively recently extinct. The crater of this volcano, from the rim down, contains 120 acres, and is a most interesting place to visit. In going down into it, you sink into ashes a foot or more, and after getting onto the more solid part, it all seems to give, and sounds hollow beneath your feet. The water coming from this crater is very salty, and if held in the mouth becomes thick and looks like albumen. Towering above are the masses of black volcanic glass. The geodes in and around the crater are, of course, rare, and are rapidly being carried away, so there will soon be none there to preserve, which will be a pity, as they are something which the majority of American people have never seen. These geodes are very hard and covered with small nodules, and when broken open the cavities contain crystals, ribbon agates, and rare specimens of all colors. If this area is made into a national park and a bureau of national parks established, so that this, as well as all other United States national parks could be properly looked after, this one in particular could, in two years time of less, be made self-supporting. There is already an enormous amount of travel this way, and thousands of tourists visit here during the spring, summer, and fall, but it could be made a winter resort as well by building a rod of 14 miles across the Continental Divide through Piltz Pass and Milner Pass to join the road to Grand Lake, thus making one of the finest roads for sleighing in the United States. Sleighing is something of a novelty in Colorado, because the wind always blows the snow off, except in the heavy timber, but on these passes the snow always lies, and the beauty and novelty of this road would bring hundreds of winter tourists here for this pleasure alone. Skiing would also be one of the great attractions. Automobiles can come and go from Denver and the valley towns to Estes Park and vicinity all winter long. There would, of course, need to be wayside inns and stopping places of different kinds to accommodate these tourists, and the rental from these places would go a long, long way toward supporting the national park. Every little nook here has its especial attraction, so these little inns and the innumerable special privileges that could be granted without in any way proving detrimental to the national park would bring in revenue enough to make it self-supporting in a short time. I have tried to present a few of the most important points favoring the creation of the national park, and will add that fully 90% of the people in this immediate vicinity are of the same opinion as myself. All of the old timers here who have seriously considered the question and know how much of the wild game and how many of the natural beauties of the place are being yearly destroyed, hope with me that you will give this subject your most serious consideration. Your obedient servant, Shep N. Husted. [William H. Taft and family visited Estes Park in the summer of 1921.]
6 January 1922 – Headline: Perilous Days Ahead for Predatory Animals in Estes Park. At a called meeting of the Estes Park Fish and Game Association held Thursday afternoon in Odd Fellows Hall, it was decided to open war on coyotes and mountain lions with the idea of practically cleaning out those pests from this district. Rocky Mountain National Park Superintendent Toll is anxious to see the game of the Rocky Mountain National Park and surrounding territory protected from the destructive animals mentioned above, and sought the aid of Stanley P. Young, predatory animal inspector of the Bureau of Biological Survey of the United States Department of Agriculture, who has headquarters in Denver. Mr. Young brought along John W. Cook, trapper, and those gentlemen met with the association, which pledged its fullest support to the work. In his address to the association, Mr. Young told something of the work accomplished along this line in various parts of the United States. He said that previous to 1919, the federal government had spent in the state $112,000 in the attempt to exterminate coyotes, wolves, and lions. Since that date, the state has assisted the work by additional appropriations. Mr. Young asserted that one-tenth of the annual lamb crop of the statefalls a prey of the coyote, and that mountain lions yearly destroy an average per animal of 19 head of two-year-old cattle. He also stated, and was strongly backed in the assertion by Shep Husted, that the coyote was the greatest foe of the bighorn Rocky Mountain sheep, although the lions also preyed on them to considerable extent. Coyotes are said to kill many young fawns. Mr. Young in his remarks commended the local association in its real efforts to protect and propagate game within the Estes Park region, and stated so far as his knowledge went this was the only association in the state to make a standing offer of rewards for evidence leading to a conviction for the illegal slaughter of game within the region of its activities. Yea, verily, the weeks ahead are happy ones for the trappers and hunters, and sad ones for the outcasts of civilization in these parts. Poison bait will be used freely, in addition to traps, and dog owners are asked to keep their canines within the bounds of the farmyards. Dainty morsels of horseflesh will be served Mr. Coyote and Mr. Lion a la Grubb [sic, a play on John Frank Grubb’s name] fresh from Frank’s [John Frank Grubb’s] pastures, and the local Newhouse wizards Hayden [either Albert Hayden or Julian Hayden] and “Bobcat” Becker [Robert Becker, the barber] will give trapper Cook all the necessary pointers. It is planned to stage a few lion hunts immediately following each fresh snow, and those who observe lion tracks or know of coyote runs should call the Rocky Mountain National Park office immediately, so that Mr. Cook can get on the trail at once. Mr. Cook has a pack of nine trained dogs, and we anticipate there will be fur flying ere long.
20 January 1922 – Headline: Fort Collins Express Attempts to Discredit Feat of Moomaw. In an article following the scaling of Longs Peak last week by Jack C. Moomaw of Lyons, the Fort Collins Express attempts to discredit the feat by stating that Enos Mills had done the same thing twice in one day. It is evident that the writer of the article has never attempted to make the climb, or he would not have had the nerve to publish such a statement. No living human could scale Longs Peak twice on the finest summer day [sic, this would now be considered not a particularly remarkable accomplishment], as any Fort Collins person will testify who has ever made the ascent. Mr. Mills in his guidebook states that he has ascended the peak during the month of February, but we have a February thaw then, when the snow is difficult to travel on, but not dangerous. People who know Mr. Moomaw do not doubt his statement, but he also has the proof of his ascent in pictures he took along the way and at the top. Also, his name appears on the Colorado Mountain Club register on the summit of the peak. [How could this have been proven, unless someone independently climbed up after him in January 1922? Stronger support for the claim of a January 1922 climb comes from the 13 January 1922 Estes Park Trail article, where Jack Moomaw noted three other names that had been added to the register since 2 October 1921. To be completely rigorous, though, this only “proves” that he climbed sometime after the last entry was made in November 1921.] Mr. Charles Hewes of Hewes-Kirkwood says there is no doubt that Mr. Moomaw made the ascent. People of Estes Park who are well acquainted with the peak admit the feat to be unusual during the month of January this year because of the amount of snow on the peak. Shep Husted, considered the best guide in Estes Park, says there have been times when there was but little snow on the peak during the month of January, and that no doubt some have during those periods made the ascent, but not with the present blanket. Mr. Husted says no one could possibly make the round trip twice in one day [sic, perhaps in 1922], but that he has taken a party up during nice weather, in the morning, and after securing some rest, conducted a moonlight party to the top, all within 24 hours. The fastest time ever made from Longs Peak Inn with the assistance of horses to Boulder Field is 6 hours and 40 minutes [sic, without horses, the record is now under two hours], made by an athletic Colorado man of 22 years. The fastest time for a young lady is 7 hours and 20 minutes. There were three young ladies in the party, all Colorado girls, and they uses horses to and from the Boulder Field also. Mr. Moomaw went on foot, of course, with the aid of skis, and deserves all the credit due him for the feat.
20 January 1922 – Headline: Thermometer Scorns Zero [degrees Fahrenheit] but is Good to Estes Park. The coldest night of the season called at Estes Park Wednesday. The government thermometer at the fish hatchery registered at 15 [degrees Fahrenheit] below zero at the coldest for the night, and it stood at 5 [degrees Fahrenheit] above at 7:00 a.m. Thursday morning. The temperature at Lyons at 7:00 [presumably 7:00 a.m.] was 10 [degrees Fahrenheit] below [zero]. Jack Frost pulled the thermometer at Longs Peak Inn down to 10 [degrees Fahrenheit] below [zero], and at Hewes-Kirkwood, a little nearer the peak, it went to 2 [degrees Fahrenheit] below [zero], the same as at Shep Husted’s ranch north of town. Several valley editors were interested to know about he temperature in Estes Park, and called up Thursday morning. The temperature in Loveland was 20 [degrees Fahrenheit] below [zero], and at Greeley 22 [presumably 22 degrees below zero Fahrenheit]. The thermometer at the government station at Fort Collins registered 26.6 [degrees Fahrenheit] below [zero]. Tuesday night and Wednesday, there was a snowfall of three inches in Estes Park, and about the same in the valley.
20 January 1922 See
7 July 1922 – Advertisement: Shep. N. Husted. Veteran licensed guide. Scenic, scientific, and nature guiding. Telephone #4-R3. Telephone #10. Estes Park, Colorado.
14 July 1922 – Advertisement: Shep. N. Husted. Veteran licensed guide. Scenic, scientific, and nature guiding. Telephone #4-R3. Telephone #10. Estes Park, Colorado.
4 August 1922 – Advertisement: Shep. N. Husted. Veteran licensed guide. Scenic, scientific, and nature guiding. Telephone #4-R3. Telephone #10. Estes Park, Colorado.
11 August 1922 – Advertisement: Shep. N. Husted. Veteran licensed guide. Scenic, scientific, and nature guiding. Telephone #4-R3. Telephone #10. Estes Park, Colorado.
18 August 1922 – Advertisement: Shep. N. Husted. Veteran licensed guide. Scenic, scientific, and nature guiding. Telephone #4-R3. Telephone #10 [this is the telephone number for the Longs Peak Inn]. Estes Park, Colorado.
25 August 1922 – Advertisement: Shep. N. Husted. Veteran licensed guide. Scenic, scientific, and nature guiding. Telephone #4-R3. Telephone #10. Estes Park, Colorado.
1 September 1922 – Advertisement: Shep. N. Husted. Veteran licensed guide. Scenic, scientific, and nature guiding. Telephone #4-R3. Telephone #10. Estes Park, Colorado.
8 September 1922 – Advertisement: Shep. N. Husted. Veteran licensed guide. Scenic, scientific, and nature guiding. Telephone #4-R3. Telephone #10. Estes Park, Colorado.
15 September 1922 – Advertisement: Shep. N. Husted. Veteran licensed guide. Scenic, scientific, and nature guiding. Telephone #4-R3. Telephone #10. Estes Park, Colorado.
22 September 1922 – Advertisement: Shep. N. Husted. Veteran licensed guide. Scenic, scientific, and nature guiding. Telephone #4-R3. Telephone #10. Estes Park, Colorado.
29 September 1922 – Headline: Body of Enos Abijah Mills Laid at Rest in the Shadow of Longs Peak. In a tomb blasted out of solid rock, near the rough cabin which he constructed more than 30 years ago, Enos Abijah Mills, Colorado nature lover and author of world fame, lies at rest. Scores of notables from afar and near, in person and through messages, attested the wide popularity of the beloved author and lecturer at his simple funeral here Sunday. The tomb into which the body of Mr. Mills was lowered had been chosen by him as the spot where he was to be buried. It is in full view of Longs Peak, and within 30 yards of his cabin. No flowers of music had a place in the funeral ceremonies. The heartfelt words of Mills’ lifelong friend, juvenile judge Ben B. Lindsey of Denver, expressive of all the 300 men and women in attendance, filled the void that might have been left by the omission of floral display. “He was a philosopher of the world,” Judge Lindsey said. “He was one who hated sham, had great contempt for hypocrisy, and a loathing for compromise. How truly little the people knew of such a man, when they should have known him better. He was one of our greatest interpreters of nature, of the trees, of the flowers, the birds, the animals – and humans, too – and what, after all, is a true interpretation of nature but an interpretation of God?” In closing the ceremony, which was conducted at the Mills’ cabin, Judge Lindsey announced the burial would be private to the immediate family of Mr. Mills and the pallbearers. The active pallbearers were Shep N. Husted, Harry Walden, Frank F. Ervin, Freelan Oscar Stanley, and Carl Piltz.
6 October 1922 – Advertisement: Shep. N. Husted. Veteran licensed guide. Scenic, scientific, and nature guiding. Telephone #4-R3. Telephone #10. Estes Park, Colorado.
13 October 1922 – Advertisement: Shep. N Husted. Veteran licensed guide. Scenic, scientific, and nature guiding. Telephone #4-R3. Telephone #10. Estes Park, Colorado.
10 November 1922 – Column title: Famous Sayings of Estes Park Sages. Subhead: Shep Husted says – Many a man who hasn’t time to vote has time to cuss Congress... Thanksgiving is coming, but there is no law against being thankful before it arrives...A newlywed tells us he expected to be master of his house, but finds he is only paymaster... A cook tells us the most misunderstood thing is a prune...The wets of the country were greatly disappointed in their plans to stage a comeback in Ohio, one of the greatest industrial states in the union. Their beer and wine amendment was lost by nearly 150,000 votes...Funny things just will happen. We ship spaghetti to Italy...She tells us you must use your head to make bobbed hair long...Less than two months until Christmas. It is time for father to begin discussing the poor house...Trainers say lions are the only wild animals capable of affection. How about flappers?...A new devise changes people’s noses. Sticking them where they don’t belong does the same.
22 December 1922 – Shep. Husted attended the Farmers Congress in Fort Collins last week.
25 May 1923 – Headline: Rocky Mountain National Park Guides Organize. Last week, the guides of Rocky Mountain National Park met in the National Park office and perfected an organization to be known as the Rocky Mountain Park Guides Association. The purpose of the organization is to foster the best interests of the visitors to Estes Park, and to bring about the closest possible cooperation among the guides. They will cooperate also with the National Park Service in every possible way. Shep N. Husted was elected president of the organization, and Clifford Higby secretary-treasurer.
20 July 1923 – Headline: Aggie Camp News. The Colorado Aggie Mountain Lodge is growing in popularity both with students and with faculty. On the Fourth of July outing, we had 47 persons, and were able to take care of the party through the kindness of Mrs. Lory, who took seven of us at her cottages, “Loryhi” and “Honeymoon.”
The following weekend, thirty eight persons occupied the Lodge and made the trip to the “Top of the World” on the Fall River Drive. On July 13th to 15th, seventy five students with faculty leaders, made the trip to Fern and Odessa Lakes, and though the weatherman gave us a generous supply of rain duringthe three days, the students exhibited the real mountaineer, took the weather as it came, and reported on the finest outings of the season. Mr. And Mrs. Lester took care of the overflow for us, so we were able to comfortably house the entire party in spite of the downpour.
Mrs. Mac Milstead and daughter, Alta, from Fort Collins were in the splendid manner, and are delightful hosts to the weekend party. Secretary C. O. Simmonds and family occupied the Lodge the week beginning July 8th. Mr. J. H. Powell of the Agricultural College working force are to occupy the Lodge for the entire week beginning July 16th. On the weekend of July 21st, the Aggie party is to climb Longs Peak, with Mr. Shep. N. Husted. We expect to have forty persons in the party. The Aggie parties wish to take this opportunity of expressing to the good people of the Park their appreciation for their many courtesies and their helpful interest during the outings. Mr. And Mrs. Lester, Mr. Husted's family, the editor pf the Trail, Rocky Mountain Parks Transportation Company, the employees at the Telephone Exchange, and the merchants and sales people in the village have all contributed much, very much, to the enjoyment of our parties and many have been the expressions of delight at the warm welcome, the courteous treatment, the many little kindnesses shown strangers by the Estes Park people. The Trail readers will be interested to know that many of the Aggie students have expressed surprise and satisfaction at the reasonable prices charged them for supplies in Estes Park as compared with towns they have visited. – The Leaders of the Aggie Parties.
3 August 1923 – Headline: Aggie student climb Longs Peak. On July 25th thirty-one members of the Agricultural College family started for Longs Peak with the intention of getting to the top. We took five pack animals for Long Peak Inn, and in company with Shep Husted, hiked to Timberline Cabin, reaching there about 6:30 P.M. We found the cabin filled with persons who preceded us, but having three tents along we proceeded to make camp for the night. The clouds which had covered the peak all day, broke away about eight o’clock, the moon came out, there was no wind, the stars shown beautifully, and the lights of Denver and Longmont seemed but a few miles away. Some of the boys built a fire in a clean place and after the ground was hot, raked the fire off, stretched their tent and put down their bedding on the warm rocks. They said the ground stayed warm all night. A heavy frost formed during the night, but the party was quite comfortable under heavy blankets, and all reported a restful night. At 3:45 A.M., a feminine voice far to the west of the men’s tent called out “get up and look at Venus.” Sixteen men unanimously rolled out of bunks and turned their eyes to the westward, and were greeted with a merry laugh, and the words “Venus is in the East, what are you looking at?” The planet Venus was just emerging from the Eastern horizon, looking like a red ball of fire. All hands stayed up until sunrise, and while some of us made fire and brought water for breakfast, others amused themselves by watching the tarrying tints on the eastern horizon as the sun began to shed his rays upon the light fleecy clouds which hung over the plains. A sunrise from Timberline Cabin is a spectacle never to be forgotten. At six A.M., with a good breakfast under our belts, all hands started by easy stages for the top, for all of us were determined to register our names in the cylinder, at 11:20 A.M. all of the thirty-one hikers were safely on the top. The weather was ideal throughout the two day trip. The sun shone most of the time, but at twelve o’clock we had the experience of seeing dark clouds below us, through which could be seen the dim outline of the landscape thousands of feet below, while the sun was shining on the peaks. We were reluctant to leave the top, but realizing that we were far from civilization , we started on the descent at 12:30, and all reached Longs Peak Inn by five o’clock, and motored back to Aggie Lodge, where Mrs. Milstead and Miss Alta served us a most tasty supper. The names of those reaching the top are given below. Lathrop Taylor, Jr., F. Bice Johnson, Dorothy Leach, Catherine Finlayson, S.G. West, Professor Clyde W. Eldred Ware, Leonard Johnson, Isma Young, Harriet Buffum, Martha Dyer, Eldred Ware , Leonard Johnson, Isma Dichour, Leslie S. Bean, Mauder Straney, Glenn Clark, Jocelyn Tyler, Edith Grigereit, Alice Stewart, Vera Tufford, W.J. McGlynn, Professor S.L. Macdonald, L.H. Harrison, E.M. Dodd, Professor R.A. McGinty, Professor Charles I. Bray, C.O. Simonds, Professor G.A. Schmidt, Dorothy Richardson, Alta Milstead, Shep N. Husted, guide. Reported by E.M. Dodd, Secretary to President Lory.
31 August 1923 – Column title and byline: Aggie Camp News by E.M. Dodd. The Colorado Agricultural College summer outing schedule for 1923 is history. The summer lodge closed on Sunday, 26 August 1923, with the last outing of the summer session. The first season for the new lodge has proven far more successful than the college authorities dared to hope. There were 11 outings held, with a total registration at the lodge of 336 persons. On many of the outings, the number of persons was limited by the capacity of the lodge. Many more persons would have taken the outings had the capacity been larger. On one outing, Mr. Lester kindly took care of an overflow crowd. The lodge was operated exclusively for students and faculty members, the faculty members acting as leaders, guides, and counselors, and many of the outings were conducted in such manner as to be instructive as well as recreational. Much praise is due Mrs. Mae Milstead and daughter, Alta, of Fort Collins, who remained at the lodge throughout the season, taking care of the property, and serving delightful meals to the guests on their outing. Secretary C.O. Simmonds of the college YMCA acted as chairman of the outing committee, and assisted with almost every outing of the season. Much of the success of the outing schedule is due to his diligence and careful management. Colorado Agricultural College President Lory, Director Avery, and many members of the faculty gave their time and effort unstintingly in making the students comfortable and happy on their outings. The outing schedule was conducted by the Colorado Agricultural College Outing Club, composed of students and faculty members, with Mr. B.A. Gage acting as cashier. The ascent of Longs Peak was made twice during the summer, on 21 July 1923 and on 19 August 1923, both times under the leadership of Mr. Shep N. Husted, a total of 41 persons reaching the top. Three trips were made to Fern Lake and Odessa Lake, a total of 102 persons making the trip. Almost all students who visited the lodge made the trip at least once to Gem Lake, which is only three miles from the lodge [the lodge was near Devils Gulch Road, in fact, near Devils Gulch itself]. The Colorado Agricultural College Outing Club is looking forward to making a number of trips to Estes Park during the regular session, and President “Babe” Routh [his nickname likely earned because of the similarity of his last name to the famed baseball player, not sure if Mr. Routh is president of the student council or something similar, or president of the outing club], secretary Gerald Arnold, with Mr. Simmonds of the YMCA, are at work on a schedule for some fall and winter outings, with skiing after the snow comes.
12 October 1923 – Headline: Colorado Mountain Club annual meeting Tuesday evening. The annual meeting and election of board of directors of the Estes Park Group of the Colorado Mountain Club will be held at the schoolhouse Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. Shep. Husted will give his talk on trails and the people who travel them. Mr. Husted has been guiding in Estes Park for more than thirty years and has had many wonderful as well as amusing experiences. His talk will be well worth hearing and it is hoped every member of the group will make it a special point to be present that night.
19 October 1923 – Headline: Shep. Husted talks to Estes Park Group. Tuesday evening a number of the members of the Estes Park Group of the Colorado Mountain Club and their friends enjoyed an interesting talk from Shep Husted, one of the pioneer guides of the Park. Mr. Husted told in an interesting way of the climb up Longs Peak. This peak is classified as the seventh hardest climbable peak in the world and Mr. Husted declared it to be the most interesting mountain in the state to climb because of the variations in the nature of the climbing. The distance from the Columbines, Long Peak Inn or Hewes- Kirkwood to the top of the Peak is seven miles. Five miles of this may be made on horseback to Boulderfield. The other two miles must be made on foot and is interesting climbing all the way. The average time for the round trip was given as eleven hours. Mr. Husted stated that anyone who can reach the keyhole is capable of making the trip to the top and from the start of the trip by horseback to the top of the mountain there is an ever changing and enchanting view that far surpasses any effort required to make the trip. Leaving the horses at the edge of the Boulderfield, the trip is made across the Boulderfield to the Keyhole. Looking through this, one is introduced into a new world. Next comes the trip up the Trough, then through the Narrows, over the Homestretch and to the top. Here one finds a level spot of about four acres of barren granite. Mr. Husted declared that within a generation the airplane would be so perfected that the trip to the top with a landing field on the level spot would be common. He declared that today the American race, with the coming of the automobile, had lost the art of mountain climbing and that today the English were the greatest walkers of any people on the globe. He said the great desire of the American today was to “rough it in comfort,” as is seen among the automobile tourists of the day. He declared that on the romantic Mountain trails many a love match is made, and since mountain hiking brings to the surface true character, on them many a love match is dashed to pieces on the rocks. Mr. Husted told several amusing incidents that have occurred on the trails that caused much merriment. His talk was interesting and greatly enjoyed by all those who heard him. Plans for another lecture will be announced shortly and it is hoped that the entire community will take advantage of it.
14 December 1923 – Column Title: What the Mail Sack Brought Us. Letter from Esther Husted Brown, Greenville, Ohio: Find enclosed a check to extend our subscription. We could not do away with the Estes Park Trail, since I lived on the ranch with Uncle Shep [Husted] for a part of a winter. This tells me what all my friends are doing. (Note: Esther Husted Brown is the author's aunt.)
15 February 1924 – Headline and “byline”: Community Spirit Building Great Future for Winter Sports in Estes Park by “Outing Committee”. It is often said, and generally understood, that Estes Park knows how to go after what it really wants, and that what it goes after in dead earnest it usually gets. This is because of unity, teamwork, and a public spirit, a good example of which has been shown in our recent efforts to promote a winter season for this region. Without this unity, teamwork, and public spirit, it would be useless to go further, but with it there are no limits to our progress. The public spirit shown is especially commendable because of our handicaps and drawbacks which are concrete and much in evidence, while many of the things in our favor are in the abstract or still in the future. But on the future we depend. This year, we are only making a start. But we are making a good start. For example, just now we are experiencing an unusual lack of snow, but this gives us the very opportunity we need for picking out ski hills where we may in the future depend on snow during just dry periods as this. We have been successful in finding a large number of just such slopes, which when made ready will make the best system for skiing, skating, tobogganing, bobsledding, and cross- country trips in the Rocky Mountains. But all of this will take time, money, and lots of work. Nor can it be done in one year, not in many years, for there is practically no limit to the degree of perfection to which we can bring winter recreation in our great mountains. The community is especially indebted to those property owners on whose land these slopes and snow fields are. We are sure rich returns will come back to them in the future, not so far distant. The committee wishes to here express its gratitude to the following property owners for offering space, in some cases large areas, on their land for winter sports activities: Freelan Oscar Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Liebman, Dr. Homer E. James, Howard James, Jelsema and Finn, Milton Clouser, O.W. Bechtel, Hayden Brothers, Abner E. Sprague, Mrs. Dings, John C. Simms [who was convicted of statutory rape in 1917 and sentenced to one to two years in the state penitentiary], Charles E.Lester, Shep Husted, and the Rocky Mountain Boys Camp. [There is no mention of who is providing the Davis Hill property. The Liebman place is near the Country Club, according to an article in the 14 March 1924 Estes Park Trail. The James brothers would be providing the Old Man Mountain property. O.W. Bechtel would be providing the property around Deer Ridge Chalet. Would “Jelsema and Finn” be the Riverside, a potential location of the skating pond? Would Milton Clauser have any land along Prospect Mountain or Little Prospect Mountain, or does this refer to his property east of what is now Stanley Heights? The Lester-Husted course, according to a 22 February 1924 article in the Estes Park Trail, is near Lester’s Hotel, the former Rustic Hotel.] In addition, we wish to say that the full and hearty support and cooperation of the National Park Service, the representatives of the Larimer County commissioners, The Rocky Mountain Parks Transportation Company, The Stanley Hotels, and the many who have been giving time, energy, and labor has made the work of your committee easy, where it might have been impossible. We repeat the sentiments of the finance committee when we say that any movement which has the wholehearted backing which this one has is sure of success. May we press on until we have convinced our friends, of the valleys and cities below, of the beauty and inspiration of our beloved mountains in winter as well as summer, and open the way for them to enjoy these upper fairylands of keen delight, that they may return to their tasks refreshed and invigorated – re-created.
22 February 1924 – Semi-advertisement: Column title: Weekly Program. Colorado Ski Club and the Estes Park Group of the Colorado Mountain Club. Published every Thursday, mailed free on request. Subhead: 22 February 1924 to 29 February 1924. Fort Collins Week – Aggie [former mascot of the current CSU] Hiker’s Club and Fort Collins Group of the Colorado Mountain Club. Fare: Lesters or Deer Ridge Chalets, $1 round trip. Leave Rocky Mountain Parks Transportation Company office 9:00 a.m., return at 5:30 p.m. Subhead: Bring your Kodak. Deer, elk, mountain sheep, etc., may be seen on these trips. Subhead: 22 February 1924. 10:30 a.m. – Hot coffee at the NationalPark Hotel [a block 2 business]. 12:00 noon – Lunch at Lorihi. Afternoon – “Do as you please” (or as pleases the skiers) on the slopes near Lorihi. 7:30 p.m. – Movies. Talk with slides by Cesar Tschudin...Subhead: 23 February 1924. 9:00 a.m. – Leave the village from the Rocky Mountain Parks Transportation Office. Destination – Lester- Husted ski hill. Bring your lunch. All those desiring transportation to and from the ski courses or who have extra room in their cars, please register as early as possible with Mr. [Arthur K.] Holmes, chairman of the Transportation Committee. 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. – General skiing. Instruction and fancy work by Mr. Tschudin. 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon – Aggie cross-country race. 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. – Lunch. 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. – Aggie contests in sliding and fancy skiing. 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. – Jumping. 7:30 p.m. – Basketball game. Doubleheader: High school versus American Legion...Subhead: 24 February 1924. Interstate Ski Tournament Mount Genesee (Denver). National championships competing. Subhead: 25 February 1924 to 29 February 1924 – Over-the- Continental Divide ski trip. Grand Lake, Hot Sulphur Springs...Subhead: 29 February 1924 to 1 March 1924 – Ski tournament. Hot Sulphur Springs, Colorado...Subhead: 2 March 1924 – Ski tournament. Dillon, Colorado. One fare round trip rate on Colorado and Southern [railroad] from Denver.
22 February 1924 – Headline: Rocky Mountain Parks Transportation Company Makes Special Rates for Ski Parties. The Outing Committee is happy to be able to announce that the Rocky Mountain Parks Transportation Company has kindly granted special rates to the ski courses at Deer Ridge and the Lester-Husted course near Lester’s Hotel of $1 for the round trip, leaving the village at 9:00 a.m. in the mornings whenever there are parties wishing to go, and returning from the courses at 5:30 p.m. in the afternoon. Parties wishing to make these trips should make their reservations at the Rocky Mountain Parks Transportation Company office.
22 February 1924 – Headline: Aggies [former mascot of the current CSU] are Here. Friday afternoon, more than a score of Aggie students arrived in Estes Park to enjoy the weekend on their skis. They will use the course on the properties of Mr. Lester and Mr. Husted, which at the present time seems to be in the best condition of any courses in Estes Park. The students are practicing for the college match it is hoped to hold in Estes Park some time next month. Many people will go out from the village Saturday morning and spend the day with them. The Rocky Mountain Parks Transportation Company will run a bus out at 9:00 a.m. and return at 5:30 p.m. for only $1 for the round trip. Theyhave also made this a special winter rate to the top of the High Drive with the same hours mentioned above. This at all times insures transportation for those who do not care to drive their own cars. A picnic lunch will be enjoyed at 12:00 noon tomorrow.
21 March 1924 – Column title: Town and Countryside. Semi-advertisement: Leave your laundry at Godfrey’s [a block 5 business] for first-class service...Miss Helen Service is spending the spring vacation week in Estes Park with her parents...Many students from the University of Colorado are spending their spring vacation week in Estes Park, having a jolly time on skis and at other winter sports...Semi-advertisement: Ladies, when in Loveland, go to Mrs. Monroe’s Beauty Shop for any work you wish done. An expert marceller [marcelling was a type of permanent wave] in attendance. First-class work at reasonable prices. Over the Meyor [sic] Store, telephone #26-W... Rocky Mountain National Park Superintendent Roger W. Toll with his brother, Henry W. Toll, were guests at the Stanley Monday and Tuesday. Monday evening, they entertained at a dinner party for Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allen, Jr...Howard M. Cheney and Charles Moody, who have been employed for some time at the Rocky Mountain Parks Transportation Company garage in Estes Park, have purchased the Lyons Garage in Lyons, and have taken charge...Milton Clouser is coming to town these days on a new- type sleigh. The runners are fashioned after skis, about five inches broad, and the whole sled may be carried by one man, and yet it will carry a half-ton and rides nicely on the top of the soft snow...Mrs. Mabel Stopher and family, Miss Alberta Stopher, and Master Edgar Stopher, are expected to spend the coming week with Mr. and Mrs. Abner E. Sprague. They hope to bring with them some friends for this weekend. Two birthdays will be celebrated next week, that of Miss Alberta Stopher and Abner E. Sprague. Theusual cake for such affairs will have to carry 90 candles – figure it out [meaning figure out how many of the 90 candles apply to Abner E. Sprague, who should be around 74 years old in 1924]...Rocky Mountain National Park Superintendent Robert W. Toll and his brother, Henry W. Toll of Denver, were called from Fern Lake Tuesday, where they were enjoying the Colorado Mountain Club outing, to Denver to attend to some important business...26 Aggies [former mascot of the current CSU] had the time of their lives in Estes Park the past weekend enjoying the tournament. Many of them took part in the various events, and they made and excellent showing. They stopped at the National Park Hotel. Due to the terrific storm in the valley, they were unable to leave Estes Park Sunday evening, as they had planned and returned to Fort Collins Monday afternoon by way of Lyons...Those who have land suitable for lettuce growing, which should be subject to irrigation when necessary, have an opportunity of getting in on a new industry in the state that is bringing hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to the state, should get in communication with [Estes Park school superintendent] M.E. Knapp, who is in touch with a company that has experts and the best of machinery to make a crop a highly profitable one. Colorado mountain lettuce is the finest grown anywhere in the entire country. It is even being shipped to California...Andy McCart says there is some compensation in addition to the paycheck for roadmen. Thursday of last week, the road crew scraping the roads reached the Husted Ranch in the north end [near Devils Gulch] just about lunch time. Mr. Husted met them at the gate, insisted on taking the crew and teams to feed, and did the trick up brown [which must be the equivalent of doing the trick up right]. The teams were made comfortable before bulging mangers of hay, and the men were seated before a groaning table of good eats that made them forget the work of the morning in bucking the snow. Gee, we have a notion to trade jobs with Andy McCart... Semi-advertisement: Estes Park Trail want ads are all business...Miss Esther McConnell and Miss Lois Greer were dinner guests of Mr. Cesar Tschudin Monday [hmm, I’m sure that didn’t raise any eyebrows]...Windsor High School in Windsor, a town of about 1200 souls, has won the state championship in basketball for the second successive year... Semi-advertisement: Let an Estes Park Trail want ad sell it.
21 March 1924 – Headline: Freak Storm Blockades the Valley Towns. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of the past weekend, a snowstorm swept over the state that again made Estes Park people glad they lived in Estes Park instead of some of the valley towns. It seems that the storm started Friday night, continuing until Sunday, blockading traffic so that it came almost to a standstill. The storm in its severity extended to the Halfway House in the Big Thompson Canyon, and to Lyons on the St. Vrain. In Estes Park, hardly two inches of snow fell in that time, and automobiles were traveling in every direction without difficulty, while the valley towns were buried in about 30 inches of snow. The road to the Brinwood Hotel was open in Moraine Park to the gateway on the Fall River Road, and to Husted’s in the north end [near Devils Gulch], and to the foot of the Rapids [which was just downstream of the current location of Seven Pines] down the Big Thompson Canyon. Snow has been falling much of the time all month in Estes Park, but in such small amounts that it has not interfered to any extent with traffic. On the other hand, it has made snow conditions ideal for winter sports, and is being enjoyed to the limit. Sunday, the canyons were blocked for several hours between here and Lyons, and the lower end of the Big Thompson Canyon was blocked for two days. The Lyons road as far as the Boulder County line was cleared by a caterpillar tractor snowplow that marched through the snow with perfect ease. It is hoped that our Larimer County commissioners will be able to see their way clear to provide the same means of keeping our roads clear of snow. Dozens of cars were unable to reach Estes Park in time Sunday to see the tournament [sic, it was previously guaranteed this would never happen], due to the unusual storm in the valley that swamped the road crews, although they labored valiantly to keep the roads free of snow.
The following, slightly edited, article was kindly supplied by John Meissner of the Estes Park History Rescue Project.
21 April 1939 Estes Park Trail Vacation Edition - Headline: Guide has Scaled Longs Peak 938 Times. Shep Husted, veteran guide in Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park, has climbed Longs peak 938 times in the 52 years that he has spent in the region. He made his last trip up Longs Peak in 1936, but he said that during the summer seasons in years past, he has made as many as 26 trips (in a single month) up the 14,255-foot [sic] mountain. The list of celebrities who have had Shep Husted for a guide during their stay in Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park reads like pages out of “Who’s Who”. George Horace Lorimer, editor of the Saturday Evening Post for many years, was a frequent visitor to the region in the 1890s. His first trip up Longs Peak was in 1889. Shep Husted guided the party, and tells an amusing story of the results of that trip. Mr. Lorimer’s secretary, a Miss Haggerman, was shortly to be married, and he was worried over who he would get to take her place. The night before the scheduled trip up Longs Peak, Miss A.W. Neall arrived in Estes Park from new England, and upon learning of the proposed trip, demanded that she be included in the party. Mr. Husted attempted to discourage her, as she had not had time to become acclimated, and he was afraid that she would not be able to stand the abrupt change of altitude. (The summit of Longs Peak is 7000 feet above Estes Park [sic, less than this], where the altitude is over 7000 feet [7522 feet, to be exact].) However, Miss Neall insisted, and Shep Husted finally agreed that she be included in the party, with the mental reservation that she could be loaded on a pack horse and sent back when she “played out”. Bright and early the next morning, the party started the long and difficult trip to the summit. Mr. Lorimer had been an amused spectator of the struggle between the determined girl and the veteran guide. However, by the time that the party had conquered Longs peak, and returned to Estes Park, Mr. Lorimer’s amusement had changed to respect, as Miss Neall had proved herself a horsewoman, a good sport, and the fact that she had nerve and stick-to-it-iveness. He told Shep Husted that a woman capable of such a feat should make an excellent secretary, and forthwith offered her the job. Miss Neall accepted the offer, and has been on the staff of the Saturday Evening Post ever since. At the present time, her name appears as associate editor of the country’s largest weekly magazine. Edna Ferber, the novelist, was also guided to the summit of Longs Peak by Shep Husted, and the experience is coupled to a story in Shep Husted’s memory. Edna Ferber came to Estes Park early in the 1900s, and returned almost yearly thereafter. During the winters in New York, she was constantly asked whether she had climbed Longs Peak during her summers in Colorado. Invariably, her reply was, “No.” But by 1921, she was so tired of being stared at as thought she might be a freak, merely because she had not climbed the famed mountain, that she determined to make the ascent or die in the attempt. She engaged Shep Husted to guide her, and stipulated that no one else was to be included in the party, in case that she failed. The night before, the editor of the Kansas City [Missouri] Star, a Mr. Hascall, asked Shep Husted to take him along, and when the situation was explained, told Shep Husted that he would be on the trail in the morning, and then Miss Ferber could not object if he joined the party. The plan was carried out, and Mr. Hascall made the climb with them. Miss Ferber proved to be a poor climber, and it was with considerable difficulty that the summit was reached. Upon his return to Kansas City, Missouri, Mr. Hascall wrote a Sunday feature article for his newspaper telling of the climb and the attendant difficulties. He did not mention Miss Ferber by name, but referred to her as a New York writer, and vouched for the fact that she had conquered Longs Peak. Miss Ferber made the climb only the one time, and a description of her experience as found on page 243 in her latest book “Peculiar Treasure” follows: “In my visits to Estes Park, I had been fascinated by Longs Peak, had been really hypnotized by it, as is almost every visitor to that region. There it towers, taunting you as you gaze up at its jagged cliffs. Scaling it made a tough climb of perhaps 12 hours, there and back. The last here or four hours of the climb meant crawling, sliding, slipping, hand-over-hand, sometimes a sheer drop of 2000 feet below you, and you on a shelf-like ledge. I hated the thought of it. That kind of adventure repels me. But climb it I had to, once and for all. Get it over with. It wasn’t until 1921 that I made it with the aid of Shep Husted. Shep Husted, mountain guide and perfect gentle knight, may be 60 now, may be 70. He’s changeless and seemingly indestructible as Longs Peak itself. Shep is made of iron and gold and granite in pleasing proportions, like the Rocky Mountains. He is tireless, dependable, cautious, and wise in the ways of mountains. His feet, in their fine riding boots, are slim, neat, high-arched as a girl’s. His voice is gentle, slightly drawling. He ought to be in a book, but he’s too fanciful for fiction. I tried to sneak him into “Fanny Herself” but he wouldn’t fit. Too perfect. He left the imagination nothing to work on.” To mention any one of the noted men and women who have visited in Estes Park brings a story to the mind of Shep Husted. He tells of Philip Ashton Rollins, a cowboy lawyer of New York City, New York, who writes novels about his favorite people, the cowboys. Rollins’ latest book [well, in 1928 it was his latest] is “Jinglebob”. For many years, he lied in Wyoming, and after the World War [World War I] was over and the Wyoming contingent were returning to New York, Rollins had three carloads of sagebrush shipped to the boat landing. According to eyewitnesses, the war-weary and homesick boys rolled in the sage like kittens, and many a war hero shed a tear or two. Otis Skinner, the internationally-famous actor, with his wife and daughter were frequent visitors to Estes Park in the 1890s, and without fail the entire family climbed Longs Peak with Shep Husted. Cornelia Otis Skinner, his daughter, and now a famous actress, plans to return to Estes Park this season, according to a recent press release. Courtney Riley Cooper, the writer, first wrote on an assignment from George Horace Lorimer about the Colorado Rocky Mountains. He obtained portions of his material from Shep Husted. Others known to the world in general who are personal friends of Shep Husted’s include Charles Scroggins and James H. Collins, both writers for the Saturday Evening Post, who were introduced to Shep Husted by letters from George Horace Lorimer, Will Mayo and Charles Mayo, the world-famous surgeons, Walt Mason, the poet, Charles Evans Hughes, chief justice of the United States, Will Doubleday, the famous publisher, and many others. In 1875, Buffalo Bill Cody [William F. Cody] was a guide for Lord Dunraven in Estes Park [sic, unlikely]. And in Dunraven Glade, north of Triangle Mountain, they established a temporary cabin. At that time, there were buffalo in the region, and some years later, when Shep Husted visited the site of the cabin, he found 18 buffalo heads. Lord Dunraven and Buffalo Bill also buried two barrels of whiskey in the floor of the cabin, which as far as anyone knows are still there. Shep Husted is the only living person who knows the location of the cabin and where the whiskey was buried. Buffalo Bill Cody selected the site for the old English hotel [sic, extremely doubtful], which was built by Lord Dunraven and opened for business in 1877. The famous hostelry burned to the ground in 1911. Annie Oakley, the most famous woman shot in the world, was a personal friend of Shep Husted’s. They were born in the same community, and grew up together in Greenville, Ohio. An Englishman by the name of Conway, who was a noted mountain climber, climbed Longs Peak with Shep Husted in 1894. Conway had climbed practically all of the climbable peaks in the world. He came to Estes Park from South America and Mexico, where he had conquered practically all of the higher peaks. He told Shep Husted that Longs Peak was the seventh hardest to climb of all the peaks in the world, and was the fifth in scenic beauty.
Analysis by the author.
This 1939 article, coming near the end of Shep's career, might lead one to consider it as definitive, but the author has done some analysis and finds some misleading information contained in the article. It is unlikely that Shep guided Mr. Lorimer up the mountain in 1889. It seems likely that Shep climbed Longs Peak in 1889, as is mentioned in the article. This would be two years after his arrival in Estes Park and would be the first recorded climb of the peak for Shep. It is unlikely that the described story occurred in 1889. Miss A. W. Neall (Adelaide Neall) apparently was not hired by Mr. Lorimer on the spot. She was hired in 1909, sometime after meeting Mr. Lorimer in Estes Park. Adelaide Neall graduated from Bryn Mawr in 1906. It is probable that they met after 1906. If they had met in 1889 as the article suggests, she would have been about 4 years old, assuming she graduated at about 21 years of age.
The number of climbs of Longs Peak, 938, mentioned in the article, is the highest number of climbs known to have been atributed to Shep. It is not clear why the number 850 is given in Paul Nesbit's book in 1946. Perhaps Shep gave that number to Paul. As mentioned on the page for Paul, the number of climbs of Longs Peak associated with Shep is reduced to 350 in later editions of the book.
Below is the scan of the original 1939 article, without the minor editing that occurs in the above version. Again, thanks to John Meissner for his help.

