A Time Line of Events Related to Shep Husted.

1867 Dec. 25 - Shep Husted born near Yellow Springs, Ohio.

1868 August 23 - Longs Peak climbed by the Major J. W. Powell party. This is the first recorded climb of the mountain, although the Arapahoe indians have been reported as climbing the peak prior to this date.

1887 - Shep Husted travels by horseback from Darke Co., Ohio, via Wyoming, to Estes Park, Colorado, to visit his aunt and uncle.

1889 - The earliest reported date of Shep climbing Longs Peak (1939 article Estes Park Trail).

1890 - About this time Shep went back home (Missouri? or Ohio?) and collected everything that he would need to homestead for two years, outside of flour, beans and coffee. With two or three wagons filled he returned to Estes Park.

1892 June 29 - Shep marries Clara Gertrude Crawford in Denver, Colorado. They spent the summer in Denver.

1893 - Shep and his new wife homestead on Devil's Gulch Road, about 5 miles north west of Estes Park. They build a cabin called "Homestead".

1893 April 15 - Infant daughter stillborn.

1894 - Shep climbs Longs Peak with the English climber
Sir Martin Conway.

1894 July 13 - Ethel May Husted is born.

1896 May 12 - Ruth Husted born, dies 1896 May 17.

1896 - Shep builds another cabin on his homestead property, called "Shep". Current address of the property is 3500 H-Bar-G Road.

1897 - Shep receives the deed for his homesteaded property of 180 acres.

1898 Jan. 2 - Kenneth Augustine Husted is born.

1898 - Shep built a cabin, for $100, for the parents of the author Ruth Stauffer, across the road, next to the Tallant cabin. (This was stated in the oral history of Lou Linvingston. Ruth M. Stauffer did not confirm this, via a phone call in 2010.)

1899 April 5 - Infant son stillborn.

1900 Jan. 27 - Infant daugher Husted born, dies 1900 Jan. 28.

1900 - Began construction of the Rustic Hotel on his homestead property.

1901 - Rustic Hotel opened for business. Rustic Hotel Company (Incorporated June 1901, along with E. G. Edwards).

1903 - Leslie O. Husted, Shep's brother, homesteads 160 acres in Devil's Gulch.

1903 Dec. 11 - Melissa Katherine Husted is born.

1904 Aug. - Ethel Husted climbs Longs Peak along with a 74 year old professor.

1905 April 20 - John T. Cleave, Shep's uncle, sells, for $8,000, 185 acre plot at the junction of the Big Thompson and Fall rivers to a group that establishes Estes Park as a town.

1905 Aug 3 - Shep is involved with the recovery after the fatal fall of Louis Levings on Mount Ypsilon (The Ways of the Mountains, James H. Pickering, 2003).

1905 Nov. 7 - Shep Husted is promoted by the Dept. of Agriculture, forest service, from forest guard to forest ranger, $1,080 per year.

1906 - Leslie O. Husted land is deeded to Clara Husted.

1906 - Forest Husted, Shep's brother, homesteads 160 acres of land in Devil's Gulch, and then deeds the land to Clara Husted in the same year.

1906 April -
Forest ranger in charge, Glenwood Springs, CO.

1906 Aug. -
Forest ranger in charge, Glenwood Springs, CO.

1907 July - Shep sold the Rustic Hotel to E. G. Edwards, and focused his energies on guiding and lecturing.

1907 - Shep acquires an additional 800 acres of land surrounding the original homestead. Presumably that 800 acres includes the 360 acquired from his brothers Leslie and Forest.

1907 - Shep builds a second home on land south east of the Rustic Hotel property. That land is called Husted Ranch.

1907 - Shep was hired by Enos Mills as a guide for his guests at the Estes Park Lodge. Enos guided from 1888 through 1906, with only a few trips after 1906. He is credited with climbing Longs Peak 297 times (Paul Nesbit "Longs Peak" 9th edition 1990 page 71) and 305 times (Paul Nesbit "Longs Peak" 11th edition 2005 page 76) Shep guided for Enos Mills in 1907, 1908 and 1909.

1907 August - Shep reports that he climbed Longs Peak 50 times this season, 27 times in August alone. (from Paul Nesbit "Longs Peak" 9th edition 1990 page 64).

1909 Nov. 11 - Fanny Louise Husted is born.

1911 summer - Hallett's Glacier story.

1912 Feb. 20 - Shep Husted letter to President Taft in support of the establishment of the Rocky Mountain National Park.

1912 May 4 - Shep's father Dr. James Ladley Husted dies.

1912 July 20 - Shep's Article on the Transcontinental Route.

1913 - Rustic Hotel was sold by E. G. Edwards to Mr. Charles E. Lester for $13,000. The hotel was enlarged and became the Lester Hotel.

1914 July 16 - July 28 -
Arapaho tour of the park to collect old indian names for places .

1915 Jan. 26 - Rocky Mountain National Park created, including Longs Peak. Establishment of ascent records maintained by the park rangers.

1915 Sept. 18 Shep heads up a search for Rev. Thornton R. Sampson. His remains were found July 8, 1932.

1916 - 8 guide licenses issue by the park in 1916, including Shep and Charles E. Hewes, for $25 per year.

1917 fall and winter - Shep and Clem Yore, the writer, visited some 36 towns and cities, including Chicago, Fort Worth, Washington, and New York, bringing to Union Pacific RR $35,000 in advertising.

1919 - Shep Husted is credited with over 200 climbs of Longs Peak
(Mountaineering in the Rocky Mountain National Park, Toll, 1919).

1921 - Shep guides
Edna Ferber up Longs Peak.

1922 - Shep advertises all summer in the Estes Park Trail as a guide.

1922 Aug. - Fried egg signs are painted on the Keyhole route up Longs Peak, thus allowing many more unguided climbs of the peak.

1923 May -
Rocky Mountain Park Guides Association is formed, Shep Husted president.

1927 May 17 - Shep's mother Kate May Heiser dies.

1933 - Former Rustic Hotel (the Lester Hotel) was sold to Julian Livingston for less than $15,000. The size of the property at that time was over 200 acres. The property passed to his son Lou and then to Lou's wife Anne and was operated under the name H-Bar-G Ranch, first as a dude ranch, then a ranch for girls, and then as a youth hostel. The Livingston family still owned the property in 2010.

1934 - Shep was foreman at the CCC camp on Mill Creek and later at a camp across the Divide.

1936 - Last year that Shep guided on Longs Peak.

1938 - Pencil sketch of Shep is made by Lyman Byxbe. Artist ascribes 903 climbs of Longs Peak to Shep.

1939 April 21 - Shep Husted is credited with 938 climbs of Longs Peak
(Estes Park Trail, Section Two).

1941 Aug. 10 - Shep resigns his position as general foreman with the Civilian Conservation Corps in the Rocky Moutain National Park, for health reasons. The family moves to St. Louis,

1942 Feb. 14 - Shep dies of heart disease at the home of his son Kenneth in St. Louis, Missouri. Ashes buried in Oak Grove Cemetery in St. Louis.

1946 - Publication of 1st Edition of "Longs Peak, Its Story and a Climbing Guide" by Paul Nesbit.

1946 - Shep Husted is credited with 850 climbs of Longs Peak (from Paul Nesbit "Longs Peak" 1st edition 1946 page 42).

1948 - Husted Ranch is sold by Clara Husted to Otto Yenter.

1963 Oct. 18 - Clara Crawford Husted, Shep's wife, dies in Salinas, California.

1965 - Shep's home on the Husted Ranch is struck by lightening and burns.

1977 July 10 - Oral history given by Lou Livingston titled "H-Bar-G Ranch". Lou states that Shep climbed Longs Peak just under nine hundred times in his lifetime.

1988 - Fanny Husted, Shep's daughter, prepares a family history (a copy resides at the Estes Park Museum).

1990 - Shep Husted is credited with 350 climbs of Longs Peak (from Paul Nesbit "Longs Peak" 9th edition 1990 page 71).

2010 August 5 - Jim Detterline records his 351st ascent of Longs Peak.